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  • Digital Storytelling & Mobile Journalism Workshop 2021

Digital Storytelling & Mobile Journalism Workshop 2021

In May 2021, 21 teaching assistants from the journalistic and broadcasting field had the opportunity to participate in AREACORES workshop “Digital storytelling and MObile JOurnalism”, organized under the supervision of Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Shami from the Department of Mass Communication at Qatar University. The online workshop was designed to equip the participants with the necessary knowhow for them to lead mobile journalistic courses in the future.
Spread over two days, Mr. Sameer Alnemry, a TV correspondence, MOJO trainer and expert, imparted knowledge, and skills on producing convincing content via the smart phone. In the end the participants were secure in using smart phones for shooting, editing and broadcasting media products, were aware of the possibilities and limitations governing smart phone usage and familiarized with ethical issues framing mobile journalism.

This project is generously sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service.


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