Hannah Peuckmann, Militsa Stefanova, Ella Cevik The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is a relatively small Arab country in the Middle East. Islam is the state religion. According to the Constitution, “Jordanians shall be equal before the law” with “no discrimination between them as regards to their rights and duties on grounds of race, language or religion.” This is written in Article 6, Item 1, and “equal opportunity to all Jordanians” is written in Article 6, Item 2. However, the Jordanian Constitution does not protect against discrimination based on sex. Why Is It Important to Look at Media Through a Gender…
المرأة في الإعلام الأردني المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية دولة عربية صغيرة نسبيا في الشرق الأوسط. الإسلام هو دين الدولة. طبقا للدستور ، “الأردنيون متساوون أمام القانون ” “بدون تمييز بينهم في الحقوق والواجبات علي أساس العرق ، أو اللغة أو الدين ” هذا هو نص المادة 6 من البند 1 و “فرص متساوية لكل الأردنيين ” منصوص عليها في المادة 6 ، بند 2. لكن الدستور الأردني لا يحمي ضد التمييز علي أساس الجنس. ما سبب أهمية النظر الي الإعلام من خلال عدسة الجنس أي النوع؟ نحن نعتبر أن النوع هو بناء اجتماعي ، بمعني أن كلا قطبيه ودور كل…
A film by Soufyane Moussaoui, Jamal Khalil, Annabel Schewe, 2021 Supervised by Dr. Kenza Oumlil In a historically patriarchal society, Moroccan media have seen some positive changes in the past couple of decades regarding its representation and inclusion of women. However, injustice and sexism are very much alive in the media landscape and are not being sufficiently investigated. Although modern scholars refute that media directly influence people’s opinions on a different subject matter, they still confirm that they play a major role in influencing one’s perception of the world and other people. In Moroccan media the contrast between male and…
لبنان بلد أشجارالأرز والجبال البيضاء بوتقة الحضارات في الطرف الشرقي من البحر الأبيض المتوسط حوالي 4.5 مليون لبناني يعيشون في البلاد التي تماثل في حجمها جزيرة جامايكا في البحر الكاريبي . أكثر من 80% من سكانها يتجمعون في المناطق الحضرية. لسنوات عديدة حظيت هذه الدولة الصغيرة بالاحترام الدولي لتنوعها الثقافي. لكنها أيضا كانت منطقة اضطرابات. إن التعددية الدينية في لبنان ،بصفة خاصة ، قد أدت الي نزاعات قاسية في تاريخه. حين بدأت الأزمة السورية في 2011 ، كان لها تأثير هائل علي لبنان. يقدر أن ما بين 1 الي 1.5 مليون سوري قد فروا الي الدولة المجاورة . آسر…
Elias Fischer, Isabell Kühnel & Jannik Meyenburg Lebanon. The land of the cedars and white Mountains. A cultural melting pot on the East End of the Mediterranean Sea. Around 4.5 million Lebanese are living in the country that is only as big as the caribbean island Jamaica. More than 80 % of the people accumulate in the urban regions. For many years, this small country enjoyed international respect for its multiculturalism. But this has also been a trouble spot (see Little 1996, p. 29-30). Lebanon’s religious diversity, in particular, has led to harsh conflicts in its history (see Tarabulsi 2012,…
Antonia Novak, Bruna De Cristofaro & Nana Dolidze Palestine, the heart of the ancient world, lies in the southwest of Asia on the southern part of the Mediterranean Eastern Coast. Villages, cities and little towns within the West Bank and Gaza Strip have a unique history and are beautifully located. Despite this beauty, there is the sad reality of ongoing conflict between Palestine and Israel, which makes life hard for citizens. The Palestinian territories are divided into the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. The Gaza Strip is administered by the Palestinian National Authority and Hamas, while…
Seeing the Unseen: How Framing Influences Perceptions of Palestine Created by: Christina Cavalcanti, Nilofar Eschborn, Antonia Gottschick, Lourde Hadid, Yumna Hamidi, Taha Yassen Jasim, & Mohammad Abdallah Khamis *Antonia Gottschick on screen* “As you’ve just read, today we’re going to talk about the aspects of protests in Palestine that are unseen in the media. We’re also going to discuss how the parts that are seen are framed in German media.” As a little disclaimer in the beginning: The purpose of this video is not to antagonize anyone, but to show how the media can create certain narratives through framing. *Antonia…
A film by Kavitha Sumesh, Dawood Al Riyami, Aiman Al Uwaisi, Daniel Jebakumar, Artur Klimek and Christina Thiede, 2020 Voice Over – Under the leadership of HM Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said (May his soul rest in peace), women’s have had an unlimited access to participation in economic social and cultural development. The approach of involving women for…. let me say the partnership between men and women is a necessity in any comprehensive development march. Such an approach should always have been valid for any stage of building a country, and we can see this crystal clear in Oman’s…
SILENCING PALESTINIAN CONTENT ON SOCIAL MEDIA A film by Abdelmonem Mohamed,Dima Teeti, Laura Kübler,Canan Fedrowitz, Humaid AlAufi Start Scenes of the movie: Social media has become a very important news source for Palestinians in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Especially young citizens gather information online. Among the social media platforms, Facebook is the most popular. More than one million Palestinians have a Facebook profile. Social media is seen as a tool for freedom of expression. Palestinian activists and social rights defenders use social media for sharing their opinion and organizing political events. But Israeli policies made it very hard for Palestinian activists…
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