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Selected reading material Teaching material Media ressources Dinia, Saadia, & Oumlil, Kenza. (2016). Women in contemporary Moroccan cinema. Journal of Middle East Media, 12. Houki, Naziha, Kurian, Anjali, & Oumlil, Kenza. (2023). Social media and fourth-wave feminism in Morocco. In J. Khalil (Ed.), The handbook of media and culture in the Middle East. Wiley. Mernissi, Fatima. (2006). Digital Scheherazades in the Arab world. Current History, 105(689), 121. Oumlil, Kenza. (2010). Discourses of the veil in Al Jazeera English. Reconstruction, 10(1). Available: Reconstruction. Oumlil, Kenza. (2017). The representation of women in Moroccan television talk shows. Journal of North African Studies, 22(3).…

Selected reading material Teaching material Media ressources Houki, Naziha, Kurian, Anjali, & Oumlil, Kenza. (2023). Social media and fourth-wave feminism in Morocco. In Joe F. Khalil (Ed.), The handbook of media and culture in the Middle East. Wiley. Khalil, Joe F. (2013). Youth-generated media: A case of blogging and Arab youth cultural politics. Television & New Media, 14(4), 338–350. LeVine, Mark. (2015). When art is the weapon: Culture and resistance confronting violence in the post-uprisings Arab world. Religions, 6(4), 1277–1313. Oumlil, Kenza. (2016). Alternative media, self-representation, and Arab-American women. Journal of Alternative and Community Media, 1. Oumlil, Kenza. (2022). North…

Selected reading material Teaching material Media ressources Ahmed, Saifuddin, Cho, Jaeho, & Jaidka, Kokil. (2019). Framing social conflicts in news coverage and social media: A multicountry comparative study. International Communication Gazette, 81(4), 346–371. https://doi.org/10.1177/1748048518775000 Al-Ghazzi, Omar. (2014). ‘Citizen journalism’ in the Syrian uprising: Problematizing Western narratives in a local context. Communication Theory, 24(4), 435–454. Al Rawi, Ahmed. (2015). Sectarianism and the Arab Spring: Framing the popular protests in Bahrain. Global Media and Communication, 11(1), 25–42. https://doi.org/10.1177/1742766515573550 Al Rawi, Ahmed, & Fahmy, Shahira. (2018). Social media use in the diaspora: The case of Syrians in Italy. In Karim H. Karim &…

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