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Jamal’s Dilemma Created by: Fatima Al Sayegh, Alexander Wagner, and Dana Al Sayfi Supervised by: Dr. Fuad Abdulaziz Mohamed, Qatar University   Interview with Al-Jazeera journalist Mohamed Moawad I heard about Jamal Khashoggi’s murder in Aljazeera newsroom.   At that moment I was not in Istanbul, the location of the crime.   There was a discussion going on in the the newsroom about how to handle this event. When this happened, things were not clear.   In the beginning it was like the journalist Jamal Khashoggi disappeared in the consulate after stepping into it.   No one knew at that…

A film by Kavitha Sumesh, Dawood Al Riyami, Aiman Al Uwaisi, Daniel Jebakumar, Artur Klimek and Christina Thiede, 2020 Voice Over – Under the leadership of HM Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said (May his soul rest in peace), women’s have had an unlimited access to participation in economic social and cultural development. The approach of involving women for…. let me say the partnership between men and women is a necessity in any comprehensive development march. Such an approach should always have been valid for any stage of building a country, and we can see this crystal clear in Oman’s…

Cyber crimes in Egypt (Ethical Issues) 2021 A film by Heba Huzein, Kayle Gamache and Nouran Bassiouny Supervised by Dr. Inas El Shafei Ahram Canadian University (ACU) Panel discussion: How many cases of cybercrimes have happened in Egypt recently? Who are the most involved social classes in such crimes? And in your opinion, what are the reasons for spreading this particular type of crimes? It is very difficult to give an exact rate for these crimes, as every second, a new crime is committed. Not only one, but a plentitude of them. Dr. Ahmed Mukhtar: (Undersecretary of the National Press…

 2021 جرائم الانترنت في مصر ….قضايا خلافية فيلم من: هبة حزين, كايل قاماش, و نوران بسيوني إشراف: د\ إيناس الشافعي جامعة الاهرام الكندية تقدم :مقابلة تلفيزيونية الي اي مدي وصلت نسبة الجرائم الالكترونية في مصر خلال الفترة الاخيرة ؟ وما هي اكتر شرائح المجتمع المشاركة في هذه الجرائم ؟ وفي تقديرك اسباب تفشي هذه الجرائم الالكترونية ؟ !هو طبعا منقدرش نحصر العدد ليه؟ لان كل دقيقة بتمر في جريمة بتتم و مش بس جريمة ……في جرائم بتتم :د\ احمد مختار وكيل الهيئة الوطنية للصحافة اعتقد ان تنظيم استخدام المواقع الالكترونية أمر أصبح ضرورة ملحة جدا جدا :د\ فاطمة الزهراء مدرسة…

الاعلام البديل في تظاهرات العراق :المعلق بعد تشكيل الحكومة العراقية عقب انتخابات 2018 والتي استغرق اكتمال تشكيلها قرابة العام انطلقت في اليوم الأول من تشرين الأول من العام 2019 تظاهرات هي الأكبر من نوعها في العراق منذ سنوات جاءت احتجاجا على قلة الخدمات وانتهاك لحقوق الانسان وتضيق حرية التعبير والرأي فضلا عن الفساد المستشري في بعض مؤسسات الدولة، وهو ما أقلق السلطات الحكومية في العراق والتي واجهتها بإجراءات عدة كان أبرزها منع الصحفيين والقنوات الفضائية من التغطية الإعلامية لأخبار التظاهرات، الأمر الذي ولدت على إثره كيانات إعلامية من داخل ساحات التظاهر نفسها :سجاد عدنان سلمان/ مؤسس جريدة في ساحة التظاهرات…

Alternative Media in the Demonstrations in Iraq  A film by Abdulla Abdrahmaan, Ola Khalil, Ubeyt Enes Eren in 2021 Supervised by Prof. Dr. Sahar Khalifa Salim Voiceover After the 2018 elections, the formation of the Iraqi cabinet took nearly a full year to complete.  After that on 1st October 2019, the biggest demonstrations in years were organized in Iraq. They were held to protest against the lack of services, violation of human rights, restrictions on freedom of expression and the rampant corruption in some state institutions.  The authorities in Iraq were worried by the demonstrations.  To face them, the authorities…

A film by Nour Abdallah, Paula Germershausen, Hatem Manea, Jannes Holland-Jobb Imagine that someone from here decided to emigrate in search of a better place to live. War. Poverty. Lack of educational opportunities, high unemployment, political and social conflicts, and poor governance. All reasons to leave someone’s country, to emigrate. Imagine that they headed north, specifically towards Tunisia. For African migrants Tunisia is a wealthy port in the north, close to Europe. A transit and working country. Especially in social media, migrants are confronted with a lot of hate, prejudice and fear. It’s understandable that they don’t feel welcome. How…

A film by Nour Abdallah, Paula Germershausen, Hatem Manea, Jannes Holland-Jobb Imagine that someone from here decided to emigrate in search of a better place to live. War. Poverty. Lack of educational opportunities, high unemployment, political and social conflicts, and poor governance. All reasons to leave someone’s country, to emigrate. This video will offer an insight into migration in Germany. How is migration perceived in the German public and to what extent does the Media reinforce them? Prof. Dr. Birgit Glorius- European Migrationstudies – Advisory Council BAMF: „I think in any case, that one’s own world view is strongly shaped…

Watch video A film by Ahmed Chikhi, Fabienne Fleischer, Julia Nathansohn, Karla Belser, Rasha Manasra, Sherif Rashwan Gender and migration – in the media, these do not necessarily sound like two topics that have anything to do with each other. But in fact, they are very closely connected. In large parts of the world, the representation of migrants in the media is characterized by stereotyping and segregation. The topic is dominated by the reporting on men on the run. But what about female migrants? Are they talked about in the media? At first glance, they seem to be less represented…

SILENCING PALESTINIAN CONTENT ON SOCIAL MEDIA A film by Abdelmonem Mohamed,Dima Teeti, Laura Kübler,Canan Fedrowitz, Humaid AlAufi Start Scenes of the movie: Social media has become a very important news source for Palestinians in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Especially young citizens gather information online. Among the social media platforms, Facebook is the most popular. More than one million Palestinians have a Facebook profile. Social media is seen as a tool for freedom of expression. Palestinian activists and social rights defenders use social media for sharing their opinion and organizing political events. But Israeli policies made it very hard for Palestinian activists…

Created by Juman Quneis, Muna Al Kurd & Khawla Mohammed 2020 Voiceover: This is a lens of an Israeli sniper’s rifle, watching the movement of an unarmed young man. The sniper aims at him and bets that he would shoot him to cheer. On the other side, it is the lens of the camera of a Palestinian journalist monitoring and documenting the incident. The impact of the two lenses is incomparable. Upon its creation, the occupying state of Israel committed dozens of massacres. They were reported by survivors and some historians, since there was no press that could reach out…

Translation & Subtitles by Jeida Elkersh – Freie Universität Berlin    Introduction The strategic location of Yemen overlooking the most significant waterways in the world was an attractive cause for colonial aspirations, aiming to control world trade routes throughout history. Aden in South Yemen, represented one of the key cards for the British Empire, while North Yemen remained under the power of the Ottoman State. The British brought along a number of cultures and beliefs, which they intended to implement in the Colony of Aden. In this context, the media was considered the most effective tool to enforce the occupation.…

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