Media, War and Conflict
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Digital Opression Regarding Gaza War (2024) Created by Faten Mhadheb, Jessie Klzi, Sara M.B. Burbar, Marina Eisner, Mayssaloun Tfaily, Emma Bernadova   Start with clips from  interviews that is strong, shocking, or controversial, approx 40 secs interesting words. First Voice : Wael Dahdouh (The Occupation wants to commit crimes against the people). Second Voice : Oumaima Belhadj ( It’s a form of a digitl violence by Meta). Third Voice : Ahmad Qadi From 7amleh (I mean by censorship, suspensions, content removal of pro-palestinian accounts, pages, and groups). Forth Voice : Ranim Hamouda (Have been consently flagged, removed or shadowed banned).   Digital oppression.…

Script Pallywood: A Misinformation Warfare against Gaza(2024) Created by Maya Hariri, Houda Oumattotto, Larissa Schäfer und Élise Rehbein Welcome to “Truth Uncovered,” the podcast where we dive deep into the complex world of misinformation, fake news, and media manipulation. In today’s digital age, separating fact from fiction has never been more challenging or more important. From viral hoaxes to disinformation campaigns, we’re constantly bombarded with content designed to mislead and manipulate. In this episode, we’re shedding light on one of the latest controversial aspects of media manipulation—Pallywood, a term coined to describe alleged staged media events in the context of…

Yemen & Corona: War x War October, 2020 By Majed Murshed, and Dr. Nawal Alhazwarah Voiceover: On April 8th,  the first confirmed case of Covid-19 was announced in Hadramout, eastern Yemen.   Sky News shot and the announcement of one confirmed case: It is the first confirmed case of infection with the newCovid-19 in the Republic of Yemen.   Al-Hadath shot and the announcement of one confirmed case: The first confirmed Covid-19 case was detected in Hadramout governorate, to the south of the country. Voiceover: Though there is a lack of resources, it is a must to be prepared. Kuwait…

نص فيلم كورونا:   تعليق: هنا في حضرموت شرقي اليمن أعلن في الثامن من شهر ابريل الماضي عن أول حالة مؤكدة مصابة بمرض كورونا. لقطة سكاي نيوز وإعلان الحالة المؤكدة: هي الحالة الأولى المؤكد إصابتها بفايروس كورنا المستجد في الجمهورية اليمنية. لقطة الحدث وإعلان الحالة: رصد أول حالة اصابة مؤكدة بفيروس كورونا في محافظة حضرموت جنوب البلاد. تعليق:  الإمكاناتشحيحة لكن لابد من الاستعداد, مستشفى الكويت أحد مركز العزل الصحي لحالات كوفيد19 وتم تجهيز حوالي 16 سريرا في العناية المركزة للحالات الحرجة. مقابلة د/ رانيا: بدأنا التجهيزات تقريبامن شهر 3 ، حيث تم إغلاق المستشفى للبدء بالاستعداداتوالتأهب وتجهيز الكادر والعناية وأقسام…

Selected reading material Teaching material Media ressources Ahmed, Saifuddin, Cho, Jaeho, & Jaidka, Kokil. (2019). Framing social conflicts in news coverage and social media: A multicountry comparative study. International Communication Gazette, 81(4), 346–371. Al-Ghazzi, Omar. (2014). ‘Citizen journalism’ in the Syrian uprising: Problematizing Western narratives in a local context. Communication Theory, 24(4), 435–454. Al Rawi, Ahmed. (2015). Sectarianism and the Arab Spring: Framing the popular protests in Bahrain. Global Media and Communication, 11(1), 25–42. Al Rawi, Ahmed, & Fahmy, Shahira. (2018). Social media use in the diaspora: The case of Syrians in Italy. In Karim H. Karim &…

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