Media and Migration
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Exile of the Soul. Displacement of Iraqis. Created by by Abdelmonem Ali, Hanan El  Bahrani, Taha Al Falahi, Roaa Kassem, Dana Schmahlfeldt, 2024   Displacement. A word that carries the weight of loss, separation, and uncertainty. For millions around the world, displacement is not just a word – it is a reality, an ongoing struggle that leaves scars far deeper than what meets the eye. Iraq, the middle eastern country, has experienced massive waves of forced displacement- internally and externally-, as armed conflicts have compelled millions to leave their homes in search of safety. نحن نازحين جرف الصخر من عشيرة الجنابيين…

Resilience, Responsibility, Resistance – Journalism in Exile (2024) Created by Farah Jabareen, Mara Stöhr, Hishan Kishly & Emil Himstedt Introducing our interview partner Hossam Hossam: My name is Hossam El-Hamalawy. I am an Egyptian journalist and activist and I am currently based in Berlin. I arrived here in December 2017 after leaving Egypt in 2015 and I am an active member of the Egyptian Revolutionary Socialists. Introducing our interview partner Ahmed Ahmed: My name is Ahmed Abdelhalim, I’m 29 years old. I work as a writer and researcher in the field of socio-politics and body studies. I’ve been living in…

Script: In Their Own Words: Female Migrants Navigating the Unknown Created by Kawatr El Azouki, Habiba Elgabri, Mia Kováč, Melek Arif, Mascha Ronja Wagner 2024   What is Migration? Migration refers to the movement of people from one to another place, often across international borders for reasons like economic opportunities, social factors, political upset, or environmental changes.   Jimmy, Senegalese migrant in Morocco: Everyone has projects, even though we’re here to work, we aim to achieve something bigger, for the future. Hello. My name is Jimmy. I’m Senegalese. I came to Morocco in 2020 and since then I’m here. Well,…

لبنان بلد أشجارالأرز والجبال البيضاء بوتقة الحضارات في الطرف الشرقي من البحر الأبيض المتوسط حوالي 4.5 مليون لبناني يعيشون في البلاد التي تماثل في حجمها جزيرة جامايكا في البحر الكاريبي . أكثر من 80% من سكانها يتجمعون في المناطق الحضرية. لسنوات عديدة حظيت هذه الدولة الصغيرة بالاحترام الدولي لتنوعها الثقافي. لكنها أيضا كانت منطقة اضطرابات. إن التعددية الدينية في لبنان ،بصفة خاصة ، قد أدت الي نزاعات قاسية في تاريخه. حين بدأت الأزمة السورية في 2011 ، كان لها تأثير هائل علي لبنان. يقدر أن ما بين 1 الي 1.5 مليون سوري قد فروا الي الدولة المجاورة .   آسر…

Elias Fischer, Isabell Kühnel & Jannik Meyenburg Lebanon. The land of the cedars and white Mountains. A cultural melting pot on the East End of the Mediterranean Sea. Around 4.5 million Lebanese are living in the country that is only as big as the caribbean island Jamaica. More than 80 % of the people accumulate in the urban regions. For many years, this small country enjoyed international respect for its multiculturalism. But this has also been a trouble spot (see Little 1996, p. 29-30). Lebanon’s religious diversity, in particular, has led to harsh conflicts in its history (see Tarabulsi  2012,…

A film by Nour Abdallah, Paula Germershausen, Hatem Manea, Jannes Holland-Jobb Imagine that someone from here decided to emigrate in search of a better place to live. War. Poverty. Lack of educational opportunities, high unemployment, political and social conflicts, and poor governance. All reasons to leave someone’s country, to emigrate. Imagine that they headed north, specifically towards Tunisia. For African migrants Tunisia is a wealthy port in the north, close to Europe. A transit and working country. Especially in social media, migrants are confronted with a lot of hate, prejudice and fear. It’s understandable that they don’t feel welcome. How…

A film by Nour Abdallah, Paula Germershausen, Hatem Manea, Jannes Holland-Jobb Imagine that someone from here decided to emigrate in search of a better place to live. War. Poverty. Lack of educational opportunities, high unemployment, political and social conflicts, and poor governance. All reasons to leave someone’s country, to emigrate. This video will offer an insight into migration in Germany. How is migration perceived in the German public and to what extent does the Media reinforce them? Prof. Dr. Birgit Glorius- European Migrationstudies – Advisory Council BAMF: „I think in any case, that one’s own world view is strongly shaped…

Watch video A film by Ahmed Chikhi, Fabienne Fleischer, Julia Nathansohn, Karla Belser, Rasha Manasra, Sherif Rashwan Gender and migration – in the media, these do not necessarily sound like two topics that have anything to do with each other. But in fact, they are very closely connected. In large parts of the world, the representation of migrants in the media is characterized by stereotyping and segregation. The topic is dominated by the reporting on men on the run. But what about female migrants? Are they talked about in the media? At first glance, they seem to be less represented…

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