Hannah Peuckmann, Militsa Stefanova, Ella Cevik The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is a relatively small Arab country in the Middle East. Islam is the state religion. According to the Constitution, “Jordanians shall be equal before the law” with “no discrimination between them as regards to their rights and duties on grounds of race, language or religion.” This is written in Article 6, Item 1, and “equal opportunity to all Jordanians” is written in Article 6, Item 2. However, the Jordanian Constitution does not protect against discrimination based on sex. Why Is It Important to Look at Media Through a Gender…
المرأة في الإعلام الأردني المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية دولة عربية صغيرة نسبيا في الشرق الأوسط. الإسلام هو دين الدولة. طبقا للدستور ، “الأردنيون متساوون أمام القانون ” “بدون تمييز بينهم في الحقوق والواجبات علي أساس العرق ، أو اللغة أو الدين ” هذا هو نص المادة 6 من البند 1 و “فرص متساوية لكل الأردنيين ” منصوص عليها في المادة 6 ، بند 2. لكن الدستور الأردني لا يحمي ضد التمييز علي أساس الجنس. ما سبب أهمية النظر الي الإعلام من خلال عدسة الجنس أي النوع؟ نحن نعتبر أن النوع هو بناء اجتماعي ، بمعني أن كلا قطبيه ودور كل…
A film by Soufyane Moussaoui, Jamal Khalil, Annabel Schewe, 2021 Supervised by Dr. Kenza Oumlil In a historically patriarchal society, Moroccan media have seen some positive changes in the past couple of decades regarding its representation and inclusion of women. However, injustice and sexism are very much alive in the media landscape and are not being sufficiently investigated. Although modern scholars refute that media directly influence people’s opinions on a different subject matter, they still confirm that they play a major role in influencing one’s perception of the world and other people. In Moroccan media the contrast between male and…
Joris Beetz, Zoe Uellendahl & Mattis Venker Since the takeover of President al-Sisi in 2014, press freedom in Egypt has deteriorated with the establishment of new media politics, according to Reporters Without Borders. One reason for this deterioration is the accumulation of media ownership under government and military control. Journalists in Egypt are facing different forms of government repression, even imprisonment. Women in Egypt started to work in journalism in the middle of the twentieth century, and most of them were part of the women’s rights movement. The number of women in Journalism is rising. The general situation for women…
A film by Kavitha Sumesh, Dawood Al Riyami, Aiman Al Uwaisi, Daniel Jebakumar, Artur Klimek and Christina Thiede, 2020 Voice Over – Under the leadership of HM Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said (May his soul rest in peace), women’s have had an unlimited access to participation in economic social and cultural development. The approach of involving women for…. let me say the partnership between men and women is a necessity in any comprehensive development march. Such an approach should always have been valid for any stage of building a country, and we can see this crystal clear in Oman’s…
Watch video A film by Ahmed Chikhi, Fabienne Fleischer, Julia Nathansohn, Karla Belser, Rasha Manasra, Sherif Rashwan Gender and migration – in the media, these do not necessarily sound like two topics that have anything to do with each other. But in fact, they are very closely connected. In large parts of the world, the representation of migrants in the media is characterized by stereotyping and segregation. The topic is dominated by the reporting on men on the run. But what about female migrants? Are they talked about in the media? At first glance, they seem to be less represented…
Selected reading material Teaching material Media ressources Dinia, Saadia, & Oumlil, Kenza. (2016). Women in contemporary Moroccan cinema. Journal of Middle East Media, 12. Houki, Naziha, Kurian, Anjali, & Oumlil, Kenza. (2023). Social media and fourth-wave feminism in Morocco. In J. Khalil (Ed.), The handbook of media and culture in the Middle East. Wiley. Mernissi, Fatima. (2006). Digital Scheherazades in the Arab world. Current History, 105(689), 121. Oumlil, Kenza. (2010). Discourses of the veil in Al Jazeera English. Reconstruction, 10(1). Available: Reconstruction. Oumlil, Kenza. (2017). The representation of women in Moroccan television talk shows. Journal of North African Studies, 22(3).…
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