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Digital Opression Regarding Gaza War (2024) Created by Faten Mhadheb, Jessie Klzi, Sara M.B. Burbar, Marina Eisner, Mayssaloun Tfaily, Emma Bernadova   Start with clips from  interviews that is strong, shocking, or controversial, approx 40 secs interesting words. First Voice : Wael Dahdouh (The Occupation wants to commit crimes against the people). Second Voice : Oumaima Belhadj ( It’s a form of a digitl violence by Meta). Third Voice : Ahmad Qadi From 7amleh (I mean by censorship, suspensions, content removal of pro-palestinian accounts, pages, and groups). Forth Voice : Ranim Hamouda (Have been consently flagged, removed or shadowed banned).   Digital oppression.…

Script Pallywood: A Misinformation Warfare against Gaza(2024) Created by Maya Hariri, Houda Oumattotto, Larissa Schäfer und Élise Rehbein Welcome to “Truth Uncovered,” the podcast where we dive deep into the complex world of misinformation, fake news, and media manipulation. In today’s digital age, separating fact from fiction has never been more challenging or more important. From viral hoaxes to disinformation campaigns, we’re constantly bombarded with content designed to mislead and manipulate. In this episode, we’re shedding light on one of the latest controversial aspects of media manipulation—Pallywood, a term coined to describe alleged staged media events in the context of…

00:00 | The Nabataean carved into the rocks so it was a proof of their civilization and wrote the letters so it was a proof of their freedom. 00:30 | Dr. Essam Mousa –Historian The Arabic Letters were developed by the Nabataea almost 150 B.C then Islam had adopted it later. It was recognized globally after different civilizations and cultures adopted the language for writing like the Persian and Turks. Historically the Nabataean were a democratic society and the development of the alphabetic did not come from a vacuum, it was a proof that the Nabataean society, who formed the…

Hannah Peuckmann, Militsa Stefanova, Ella Cevik The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is a relatively small Arab country in the Middle East. Islam is the state religion. According to the Constitution, “Jordanians shall be equal before the law” with “no discrimination between them as regards to their rights and duties on grounds of race, language or religion.” This is written in Article 6, Item 1, and “equal opportunity to all Jordanians” is written in Article 6, Item 2. However, the Jordanian Constitution does not protect against discrimination based on sex. Why Is It Important to Look at Media Through a Gender…

المرأة في الإعلام الأردني المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية  دولة عربية صغيرة نسبيا  في الشرق الأوسط.  الإسلام هو دين الدولة.  طبقا للدستور ،  “الأردنيون متساوون أمام القانون ”  “بدون تمييز بينهم  في الحقوق والواجبات   علي أساس العرق ، أو اللغة أو الدين ”   هذا هو نص المادة 6 من البند 1  و “فرص متساوية لكل الأردنيين ”   منصوص عليها في المادة 6 ،  بند 2.  لكن الدستور الأردني لا يحمي  ضد التمييز علي أساس الجنس.   ما سبب أهمية النظر الي الإعلام  من خلال عدسة الجنس أي النوع؟ نحن نعتبر أن النوع هو بناء اجتماعي ،  بمعني أن كلا قطبيه  ودور كل…

Exile of the Soul. Displacement of Iraqis. Created by by Abdelmonem Ali, Hanan El  Bahrani, Taha Al Falahi, Roaa Kassem, Dana Schmahlfeldt, 2024   Displacement. A word that carries the weight of loss, separation, and uncertainty. For millions around the world, displacement is not just a word – it is a reality, an ongoing struggle that leaves scars far deeper than what meets the eye. Iraq, the middle eastern country, has experienced massive waves of forced displacement- internally and externally-, as armed conflicts have compelled millions to leave their homes in search of safety. نحن نازحين جرف الصخر من عشيرة الجنابيين…

Resilience, Responsibility, Resistance – Journalism in Exile (2024) Created by Farah Jabareen, Mara Stöhr, Hishan Kishly & Emil Himstedt Introducing our interview partner Hossam Hossam: My name is Hossam El-Hamalawy. I am an Egyptian journalist and activist and I am currently based in Berlin. I arrived here in December 2017 after leaving Egypt in 2015 and I am an active member of the Egyptian Revolutionary Socialists. Introducing our interview partner Ahmed Ahmed: My name is Ahmed Abdelhalim, I’m 29 years old. I work as a writer and researcher in the field of socio-politics and body studies. I’ve been living in…

Script: In Their Own Words: Female Migrants Navigating the Unknown Created by Kawatr El Azouki, Habiba Elgabri, Mia Kováč, Melek Arif, Mascha Ronja Wagner 2024   What is Migration? Migration refers to the movement of people from one to another place, often across international borders for reasons like economic opportunities, social factors, political upset, or environmental changes.   Jimmy, Senegalese migrant in Morocco: Everyone has projects, even though we’re here to work, we aim to achieve something bigger, for the future. Hello. My name is Jimmy. I’m Senegalese. I came to Morocco in 2020 and since then I’m here. Well,…

A film by Soufyane Moussaoui, Jamal Khalil, Annabel Schewe, 2021 Supervised by Dr. Kenza Oumlil In a historically patriarchal society, Moroccan media have seen some positive changes in the past couple of decades regarding its representation and inclusion of women. However, injustice and sexism are very much alive in the media landscape and are not being sufficiently investigated. Although modern scholars refute that media directly influence people’s opinions on a different subject matter, they still confirm that they play a major role in influencing one’s perception of the world and other people. In Moroccan media the contrast between male and…

A film by Sally Farhat, Bianca Halliday, Farah Saati (2020) Supervision: Dr. Claudia Kozman   The October 2019 uprising and the Beirut blast signify a turning point in the history of Lebanon’s political and media systems. The media in the country have historically reflected the local sectarian divides and the regional political tensions. “Al Hadath municipality reclaims Christian land” “The parliament is similar to an action film starring heroes” “The focus today is on the assassination of Prime Minister Rafiq El Hariri” Prior to the 2019 uprising, two eras dominated the media in Lebanon.   Lebanese media scholar Sarah El-Richani…

لبنان بلد أشجارالأرز والجبال البيضاء بوتقة الحضارات في الطرف الشرقي من البحر الأبيض المتوسط حوالي 4.5 مليون لبناني يعيشون في البلاد التي تماثل في حجمها جزيرة جامايكا في البحر الكاريبي . أكثر من 80% من سكانها يتجمعون في المناطق الحضرية. لسنوات عديدة حظيت هذه الدولة الصغيرة بالاحترام الدولي لتنوعها الثقافي. لكنها أيضا كانت منطقة اضطرابات. إن التعددية الدينية في لبنان ،بصفة خاصة ، قد أدت الي نزاعات قاسية في تاريخه. حين بدأت الأزمة السورية في 2011 ، كان لها تأثير هائل علي لبنان. يقدر أن ما بين 1 الي 1.5 مليون سوري قد فروا الي الدولة المجاورة .   آسر…

Elias Fischer, Isabell Kühnel & Jannik Meyenburg Lebanon. The land of the cedars and white Mountains. A cultural melting pot on the East End of the Mediterranean Sea. Around 4.5 million Lebanese are living in the country that is only as big as the caribbean island Jamaica. More than 80 % of the people accumulate in the urban regions. For many years, this small country enjoyed international respect for its multiculturalism. But this has also been a trouble spot (see Little 1996, p. 29-30). Lebanon’s religious diversity, in particular, has led to harsh conflicts in its history (see Tarabulsi  2012,…

INTRODUCTION Who WE are This course unit will give you an introduction to the German media system. It is part of a series of online lectures on media systems in the Arab World and Europe. These are produced by the leading media studies institutes in the respective country brought together by AREACORE, the Arab European Association of media and communication researchers. This session on the German media system has been produced on behalf of the institute for media and communication studies at Freie Universität Berlin. With 9 professors and 1300 Students on undergraduate, master and doctoral studies level it is…

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