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Who we are   Welcome to AREACORE’s online learning platform about international media systems! About: The platform provides visual material about media systems in the Middle East and Europe, researched and compiled by the leading Communication Studies Institutes of the respective country. Content: You can watch a complete movie of each country (45 min) or navigate between chapters such as „media history“, „legal framework“, „ownership structure“ or „social media“ (each 3-10 min). In addition, you can read the script of the lecture in Arabic or English and find literature references and charts for further research. Producers: The platform is compiled…

Towards a New Classification of Arab Media-Government relationship Mahmoud Galander, Qatar University download pdf: PDF The media system predictor is a simple method for understanding and explaining the media-government relationship in the Arab World. Based on the elements provided in the panes of the model, one may now develop media systems that will explain better the situation in the Arab world, and that may provide a better scale for the evaluation of other relevant media systems, like those of Muslim countries. As shown in table 1, the systems adopted are labeled (1) the socially focused media system, (2) the modernist…

أنظمة الصحافة العربية د. محمود قلندر أستاذ مشارك جامعة قطر   شريحة 1: العنوان : أنظمة الصحافة العربية هذه المحاضرة تتناول أنظمة الصحافة العربية في إطار عام، ثم تنتقل للحديث عن الصحافة في دولة قطر. والواقع أنني منذ البداية أود أن أوضح بأن الرؤية فيما يتعلق بأنظمة الصحافة العربية التي يتم تداولها في معظم الكتابات وفي معظم قاعات الدراسة العربية هي تلك الأنظمة التي رآها واحد من الإعلاميين الذين كتبوا عن الصحافة في العالم العربي، وهو صحفي من الولايات المتحدة، واسمه “وليام رو”. وضع وليام رو نماذج للصحافة العربية، جعلها في ثلاثة نماذج، وهذه النماذج الثلاثة هي نماذج قسّم إليها…

By clicking on the source you will be directed to the hosting page with a download option: Armbrust, Walter (2012): “A History of New Media in the Arab Middle East.” Journal for cultural research 16, no. 2-3, 155–174. Ayish, Muhammad I. (2010): Arab State Broadcasting Systems in Transition. The Promise of the Public Service Broadcasting Model. Middle East Journal of Culture & Communication 3 (1), S. 9-25. Ayish, Muhammad and Noha Mellor (2015): Reporting in the MENA Region: Cyber Engagement and Pan-Arab Social Media. London, England: Rowman & Littlefield. Ayish, Mohammad and Harris Breslow (2014): “The Need for Interdisciplinary Research…

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