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Script: In Their Own Words: Female Migrants Navigating the Unknown Created by Kawatr El Azouki, Habiba Elgabri, Mia Kováč, Melek Arif, Mascha Ronja Wagner 2024   What is Migration? Migration refers to the movement of people from one to another place, often across international borders for reasons like economic opportunities, social factors, political upset, or environmental changes.   Jimmy, Senegalese migrant in Morocco: Everyone has projects, even though we’re here to work, we aim to achieve something bigger, for the future. Hello. My name is Jimmy. I’m Senegalese. I came to Morocco in 2020 and since then I’m here. Well,…

by Bill Liederwald, Ronja Marten, Linda Otto, September 2017 Syria has a thousand-year-old history. The beginning of civilization, the time of Alexander the Great, the Ottoman Empire … and history has left its mark. However, conflicts have been smouldering in the country for decades. In March 2011 everything changed. After the torture and arrest of some children who had painted regime-critical slogans on a school wall, nation-wide protests against the Assad regime sparked off. Today, the conflict is more than just a struggle between opponents of the regime and its advocates. It took on proportions towards religion, culture and long-felt…

صحفيون سوريون في المنفي تمتلك سوريا تاريخا يمتد لألف عام وقد تركت بدايات التاريخ، زمن الإسكندر الأكبر، الدولة العثمانية والتاريخ علاماته عليها مع ذلك ظلت الصراعات مشتعلة في الدولة منذ عقود وفي مارس 2011 اختلف كل شيء اشتعلت الاحتجاجات ضد نظام الأسد في جميع أنحاء الدولة وذلك نتيجة للقبض علي مجموعة من الأطفال وتعذيبهم لقيامهم برسم بعض الشعارات الناقدة للنظام علي جدار المدرسة واليوم فان النزاع ليس فقط صراعاً بين معارضين ومناصرين للنظام فقد اتخذ أبعاداً من الدين والثقافة والعداوات المتأصلة منذ زمن كما أدي ظهورالدولة الاسلامية إلي إضافة أبعاد جديدة وسلك الناس طرقا طويلة شديدة الخطورة فراراً من الإرهاب…

Annika Grosser, Idil Deniz Sakar & Kim Winter Since the beginning of the Syrian Civil War in 2011, news and pictures of the revolts have flooded newspapers, social media and TV screens around the globe. Often, the content that reaches us is produced by activists reporting on protests in the face of intimidation and threats of arrest and murder, not just from Syria’s traditionally regime-loyal media but also the different armed opposition groups. Syria’s highly fragmented political landscape, defined by an authoritarian regime and a polarized, shattered opposition of various ethnic and sectarian groups is reflected directly in its restricted…

داخل وخارج سوريا :   النشاط الرقمي العابر للحدود” منذ بداية  الحرب الأهلية السورية في 2011 أغرقت الصور الجديدة للثوار الصحف وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي  وشاشات التليفزيون حول العالم .   كثيرا ما يكون المحتوي الذي يصلنا هو نتاج النشطاء الذين يعدون التقارير عن الاحتجاجات في مواجهة التضييق والتهديد بالاعتقال أو القتل ، ليس فقط من وسائل الإعلام السورية التقليدية الموالية للنظام بل أيضا من الفصائل المعارضة المسلحة المختلفة .  إن الأرضية السياسية السورية الشديدة التفتت ، المحددة بنظام حكم سلطوي ومعارضة مستقطبة ومتشرذمة مكونة  من مجموعات عرقية وطائفية مختلفة تنعكس مباشرة في نظامها الإعلامي المقيد.  في مقدمة كل هذا، يعمل النشطاء السوريون…

Jasper Hendrickx:Welcome to a new podcast on the AREACORE eLearning Platform, where in this episode, wewill discuss the topic of citizen journalism in Syria. I’m your host Jasper Hendrickx, and todaywe have the honor of being joined by Sirwan Kajjo, a prominent Kurdish Syrian journalist whohas been at the forefront of reporting on the conflict in Syria.Sirwan’s work encompasses a wide range of topics, including human rights issues, politicaldevelopments, and the Kurdish region’s dynamics. With his extensive experience in on-the-ground reporting, he has provided invaluable insights into the complexities of the Syrianconflict for various international media outlets.From his time at…

Film script – Syrian journalism in exile: A new experience and new challenges – By AliAl-Haj Ibrahim – Film length: 07.16. Ali Al-Haj Ibrahim: The Syrian war is the worst man-made disaster the world hasseen since the world war II, the UN Human Rights chief said in 2017. And since 2011 over 12million Syrians have been displaced with a death toll surpassing 306 thousand and the numberof detainees exceeding 149 thousand. The casualties among journalists were also very high,which turned Syria into one of the most dangerous places in the world for journalists. TheSyrian regime had the largest share of…

Film script – Syrian journalism in exile: A new experience and new challenges – By Ali Al-Haj Ibrahim

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