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1 Introduction During the last few years, a transformation process has started in Algeria that is far less obvious than the turning points that characterize most Western Arab countries after the Arab Spring in 2011. Algeria finds itself in a dichotomy of modernization and religious values, openness and tradition, as well as the ongoing love-hate relationship with France (Sarnelli & Kobibi, 2017, pp. 74-75). The FLN (Front de Libération Nationale), who rules Algeria since the independence in 1962, and president Abd al-Aziz Bouteflika try to manage these developments in a continuum of deregulation and maintenance of the status quo (Mostefaoui,…

Media Regulation in Tunisia Before 2011, the Tunisian media system was one of the most defective in the world regarding freedom of the press. In the beginning of 2011, when the Tunisian revolution made Ben Ali fled to Saudi Arabia, Tunisians have been optimistic about a media transformation. Defects of the media system have been identified quickly. Shortly after the ouster of Ben Ali, an interim (coalition) government was created and coordinated the ongoing democratization process which has been marked by the attempts to implement new structures without breaking abruptly with the old ones: Key instruments to control the media…

قوانين الإعلام في تونس قبل 2011 كان الإعلام التونسي أحد أكثر النظم عيوبا في العالم فيما يخص حرية الصحافة  وفي بداية 2011 حين اضطرت الثورة بن علي للفرار الي المملكة العربية السعودية تفاءل التونسيون بقرب تحول الإعلام تم تحديد عيوب النظام الإعلامي سريعا  وفي الفترة القصيرة التي تلت الإطاحة ببن علي ،  تم تكوين حكومة (ائتلاف) مؤقتة لتنظيم تفعيل العملية الديمقراطية والتي اتسمت بمحاولات انشاء هياكل جديدة مع تفادي الانفصال المفاجيء  عن النظم السابقة :  فتم الغاء الأدوات  الرئيسية المسيطرة علي الإعلام ونعني بها وزارة المعلومات والوكالة التونسية للإتصالات الخارجية   وتم ضمان حرية النشر بموجب القرار 115  بفوز حزب النهضة…

Male Expertocracy – Media Discourse in Germany in the times of Covid19 Written by Doina Boev   News and Newspaper headlines announcing the crisis and different news moderators saying Coronavirus, Covid19 and Pandemie, Sars Cov2 (in German): Coronavirus, pandemic, infection and death rate Angela Merkel: “It is serious. Please take it seriously.” Video with the virus in its microscopical form: The Corona crisis has been described in Germany as “the biggest challenge” since the Second World War.   The global pandemic has significantly increased people’s need for information in the media. In Germany, the news coverage by established media networks…

Movie The Media and Corona in Egypt: Awareness or Intimidation? A Production of Faculty of Mass Communication Al-Ahram Canadian University 2020   1 TV host Amr Adeeb: In one day, Egypt witnesses the highest number of infections   TV host Lara Nabhan: A wave of panic made us all phobic- our habits have changed   TV host Shereef Amer: Any numbers you see today are the result of direct interaction, unfortunately, we are trapped. Woman in smartphone video: People, take it serious..It’s not a joke, take care of yourselves and your families   I’m dying.. I’m running out of Oxygen.…

فيلم: الإعلام والكورونا ” ما بين التخويف والتطمين” المذيع عمرو أديب   أعلى عدد من الإصابات في يوم واحد في مصر.   المذيعة لارا نبهان:   موجة من الذعر جعلتنا نعيش حالة من الفوبيا.. عاداتنا تغيرت.   الإعلامي شريف عامر:   أي ارقام بتشفوها انهاردة..    هي نتيجة سلوك مباشر مع الأسف الشديد احنا بنتورط. جماعة الموضوع خدوه جد.. الموضوع مش هزار خالص، خلوا بالكم من نفسكم ومن أهلكم.   أنا بموت.. الأكسجين بدأ يتسحب مني.   الإعلامية لميس الحديدي:   هذا هو مرض الكورونا!! واحد يؤدي إلى عزل منطقة كاملة تمثل 800 منزل؛ 13.000 نسمة. لقاء مع كبير مذيعي…

Yemen & Corona: War x War October, 2020 By Majed Murshed, and Dr. Nawal Alhazwarah Voiceover: On April 8th,  the first confirmed case of Covid-19 was announced in Hadramout, eastern Yemen.   Sky News shot and the announcement of one confirmed case: It is the first confirmed case of infection with the newCovid-19 in the Republic of Yemen.   Al-Hadath shot and the announcement of one confirmed case: The first confirmed Covid-19 case was detected in Hadramout governorate, to the south of the country. Voiceover: Though there is a lack of resources, it is a must to be prepared. Kuwait…

نص فيلم كورونا:   تعليق: هنا في حضرموت شرقي اليمن أعلن في الثامن من شهر ابريل الماضي عن أول حالة مؤكدة مصابة بمرض كورونا. لقطة سكاي نيوز وإعلان الحالة المؤكدة: هي الحالة الأولى المؤكد إصابتها بفايروس كورنا المستجد في الجمهورية اليمنية. لقطة الحدث وإعلان الحالة: رصد أول حالة اصابة مؤكدة بفيروس كورونا في محافظة حضرموت جنوب البلاد. تعليق:  الإمكاناتشحيحة لكن لابد من الاستعداد, مستشفى الكويت أحد مركز العزل الصحي لحالات كوفيد19 وتم تجهيز حوالي 16 سريرا في العناية المركزة للحالات الحرجة. مقابلة د/ رانيا: بدأنا التجهيزات تقريبامن شهر 3 ، حيث تم إغلاق المستشفى للبدء بالاستعداداتوالتأهب وتجهيز الكادر والعناية وأقسام…

How Polish public media collapsed Gabriela Król, 2020   When we hear about state-controlled public television, various images come to our mind – North Korean media, announcements from the times of martial law in communist Poland, or the socialist East Germany „Aktuelle Kamera” news. However, hardly anyone thinks about 21st century and one of the well-developed countries of Western Europe.   To understand the process of the collapse of the independence of Polish public media, we must go back to the 1940s of post-war Poland. The Polish United Workers’ Party, the only party in power, ruled in Poland from 1948…

A film by Hala Al-Qalisi, Abdulhakeem Al-Bokaiti and Alexandra Amanatidou (2021) Supervised by: Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Shami   Including Interviews with Dr. Samiah Al-Aghbry, Professor for Journalism at Sana’a University Abd Albari Taher, Journalist Mohammed Al-Mayahi, Journalist Ashraf Al-Refi, Secretary of the Press Syndicate   —————— Do not be afraid! Do not be afraid! Do not be afraid!   War always wants the bullet to replace the word. This polarization damaged media pluralism and hit it dead. War consumes everything. Journalism and politics are two sides of the same coin. Yemen has suffered since ancient times from the scourge of various…

الإعلام في زمن الصراع فيلم من إعداد: هالة القليصي، عبدالحكيم البخيتي، الكسندرا أماناتيدو إشراف د. عبدالرحمن الشامي يتضمن مقابلات مع الدكتورة سامية الأغبري، أستاذة الصحافة- جامعة صنعاء عبدالباري طاهر- صحفي أشرف الريفي- سكرتير نقابة الصحفيين اليمنيين لا تفتجعوش, لا تفتجعوووش, لا تفتجعوش) ( الحرب دائما تريد أن تكون الرصاصة بديلا للكلمة) أشرف( هذا الإستقطاب ضر التعددية الإعلامية وضربها في مقتل) المياحي( الحرب تلتهم كل شيء) سامية (الصحافة والسياسة هي وجهان لعملة واحدة) تعليق صوتي: عانى اليمن منذ القدم من ويلات الحروب المختلفة بسبب موقعه الجغرافي الذي يطل على طريق التجارة العالمية وكان الاعلام بالطبع هو أول من تأثر بذلك فلم…

A film by Hala Al Shwayat, Susanne Hehr and Muna Abu Hamour, 2021 Supervised by: Yasar Durra, Jordan Media Institute   Interview partners: Basim Al Tweissi as a media expert Bayan Al Tal from Jordan Media Institute   Free media is the vector of democracy. Free media guarantees transparency, justice and development. It ensures that citizens are fully informed, encouraging them to get politically involved. Freedom of information is based on the public’s right to know. Free media nurtures a stronger democracy, less abuse of power, less corruption. Media – if it isn’t independent and free – weakens democracy. As…

Jamal’s Dilemma Created by: Fatima Al Sayegh, Alexander Wagner, and Dana Al Sayfi Supervised by: Dr. Fuad Abdulaziz Mohamed, Qatar University   Interview with Al-Jazeera journalist Mohamed Moawad I heard about Jamal Khashoggi’s murder in Aljazeera newsroom.   At that moment I was not in Istanbul, the location of the crime.   There was a discussion going on in the the newsroom about how to handle this event. When this happened, things were not clear.   In the beginning it was like the journalist Jamal Khashoggi disappeared in the consulate after stepping into it.   No one knew at that…

A film by Kavitha Sumesh, Dawood Al Riyami, Aiman Al Uwaisi, Daniel Jebakumar, Artur Klimek and Christina Thiede, 2020 Voice Over – Under the leadership of HM Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said (May his soul rest in peace), women’s have had an unlimited access to participation in economic social and cultural development. The approach of involving women for…. let me say the partnership between men and women is a necessity in any comprehensive development march. Such an approach should always have been valid for any stage of building a country, and we can see this crystal clear in Oman’s…

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