Sources & Additional Learning Material (Tunisia)

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Media ressources

Artaud de la Ferrière, Alexis, & Vallina-Rodriguez, Narseo. (2014). The scissors and the magnifying glass: Internet governance in the transitional Tunisian context. The Journal of North African Studies, 19(5), 639–655.

Barata, Joan. (2011). Political and media transition in Tunisia: A snapshot of media policy and regulatory environment. Internews.

Barata, Joan. (2013). Tunisian media under the authoritarian structure of Ben Ali’s regime and after. In Tourya Guaaybess (Ed.), National broadcasting and state policy in Arab countries (pp. 117–130). Palgrave Macmillan.

Deane, Shelley. (2013). Transforming Tunisia: The role of civil society in Tunisia’s transition. International Alert.

El-Issawi, Fatima. (2012). Tunisian media in transition. Carnegie Papers, July.

Erdle, Steffen. (2010). Ben Ali’s new Tunisia (1987–2009): A case study of authoritarian modernization in the Arab world. Klaus-Schwarz-Verlag.

Farmanfarmaian, Roxane. (2014). What is private, what is public, and who exercises media power in Tunisia? A hybrid-functional perspective on Tunisia’s media sector. The Journal of North African Studies, 19(5), 656–678.

Farmanfarmaian, Roxane. (2017). Media and the politics of the sacral: Freedom of expression in Tunisia after the Arab uprisings. Media, Culture & Society, 39(7), 1043–1062.

Groth, Stefanie. (2013). Citizens’ radio in North Africa and the Middle East: Meaningful change through citizen empowerment? – An experience from Tunis. Global Media Journal – German Edition, 3(2).

Haugbølle, Rikke Hostrup, & Cavatorta, Francesco. (2012). “Vive la grande famille des médias tunisiens”: Media reform, authoritarian resilience, and societal responses in Tunisia. The Journal of North African Studies, 17(1), 97–112.

Joffé, George. (2014). Government–media relations in Tunisia: A paradigm shift in the culture of governance? The Journal of North African Studies, 19(5), 615–638.

Kallander, Amy Aisen. (2013). From TUNeZINE to Nhar 3la 3mmar: A reconsideration of the role of bloggers in Tunisia’s revolution. Arab Media & Society, 17.

Karolak, Magdalena. (2017). The use of social media from revolution to democratic consolidation: The Arab Spring and the case of Tunisia. Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research, 10(2), 199–216.

Mezghanni, Samar Samir. (2014). Reinforcing citizenship through civil society and media partnerships: The case of community radios. The Journal of North African Studies, 19(5), 679–693.

Miladi, Noureddine. (2021). Tunisia: The transformative media landscape after the revolution. In Carola Richter & Claudia Kozman (Eds.), Arab media systems (pp. 267–284). Open Book Publishers.

Pies, Judith. (2014). Media accountability in transition: Results from Jordan and Tunisia. In Susanne Fengler et al. (Eds.), Journalists and media accountability: An international study of news people in the digital age (pp. 193–209). Peter Lang.

Richter, Carola. (2017). Media policy in times of transition: Tunisia’s bumpy road to democracy. Publizistik, 62(3), 325–338.

Stafford, Eoghan. (2017). Stop the presses! Media freedom in authoritarian regimes: A case study of Ben Ali’s Tunisia. Journal of the Middle East and Africa, 8(4), 353–381.

Voltmer, Katrin, Selvik, Kjetil, & Høigilt, Jacob. (2021). Hybrid media and hybrid politics: Contesting informational uncertainty in Lebanon and Tunisia. The International Journal of Press/Politics.

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