Sources & Additional Learning Material (Tunisia)

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Artaud de la Ferrière, A. & Vallina-Rodriguez, N. (2014): The scissors and the magnifying glass: Internet governance in the transitional Tunisian context. The Journal of North African Studies 19(5), S. 639-655.

Barata, Joan (2011): Political and Media Transition in Tunisia: A Snapshot of Media Policy and Regulatory Environment. Washington D.C.: Internews.

Barata, Joan (2013): Tunisian Media under the Authoritarian Structure of Ben Ali’s Regime and After. In: Guaaybess, Tourya (Hg.): National Brodcasting and State Policy in Arab Countries. London: Palgrave Macmillan, S. 117-130.

Deane, Shelley (2013): Transforming Tunisia. The Role of Civil Society in Tunisia’s Transition. International Alert, February.

El-Issawi, Fatima (2012): Tunisian media in transition. Carnegie Papers, July.  

Erdle, Steffen (2010): Ben Ali’s new Tunisia (1987-2009). A Case Study of Authoritarian Modernization in the Arab World. Berlin: Klaus-Schwarz-Verlag.

Farmanfarmaian, Roxane (2014): What is private, what is public, and who exercises media power in Tunisia? A hybrid-functional perspective on Tunisia’s media sector. The Journal of North African Studies 19(5), S. 656-678.

Farmanfarmaian, Roxane. “Media and the Politics of the Sacral: Freedom of Expression in Tunisia after the Arab Uprisings.” Media, culture & society 39, no. 7 (2017): 1043–1062.

Groth, Stefanie (2013). Citizens’ Radio in North Africa and the Middle East: Meaningful Change through Citizen Empowerment? – An Experience from Tunis. Global Media Journal – German Edition, 3(2).

Haugbølle, Rikke. H. & Cavatorta, Francesco (2012): ‘Vive la grande famille des médias tunisiens’ Media reform, authoritarian resilience and societal responses in Tunisia. The Journal of North African Studies 17(1), S. 97-112.

Joffé, George (2014): Government–media relations in Tunisia: A paradigm shift in the culture of governance? The Journal of North African Studies 19(5), S. 615-638.

Kallander, Amy Aisen (2013): From TUNeZINE to Nhar 3la 3mmar: A Reconsideration of the Role of Bloggers in Tunisia’s Revolution. Arab Media & Society 17. 

Karolak, Magdalena (2017): “The Use of Social Media from Revolution to Democratic Consolidation: The Arab Spring and the Case of Tunisia.” Journal of Arab & Muslim media research 10, no. 2, 199–216.

Mezghanni, Samar Samir. “Reinforcing Citizenship through Civil Society and Media Partnerships: The Case of Community Radios.” The journal of North African studies 19, no. 5 (2014): 679–693.

Miladi, Noureddine (2021). Tunisia: The Transformative Media Landscape after the Revolution. In: Arab Media Systems (ed. C. Richter and C. Kozman). Open Book Publishers, pp. 267 -284

Pies, Judith (2014): Media Accountability in Transition: Results from Jordan and Tunisia. In: Fengler, Susanne et al. (Hrsg.): Journalists and Media Accountability. An International Study of News People in the Digital Age. New York: Peter Lang: S. 193-209.

Richter, Carola (2017): Media policy in times of transition. Tunisia’s bumpy road to democracy. Publizistik 62(3): 325-338.

Stafford, Eoghan. “Stop the Presses! Media Freedom in Authoritarian Regimes: A Case Study of Ben Ali’s Tunisia.” Journal of the Middle East and Africa 8, no. 4 (2017): 353–381.

Voltmer, Katrin, Kjetil Selvik, and Jacob Høigilt. “Hybrid Media and Hybrid Politics: Contesting Informational Uncertainty in Lebanon and Tunisia.” The international journal of press/politics (2021): 194016122199926–.


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