Sources& Additional Learning Material (Media, War, & Conflict)

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Media ressources

Ahmed, Saifuddin, Cho, Jaeho, & Jaidka, Kokil. (2019). Framing social conflicts in news coverage and social media: A multicountry comparative study. International Communication Gazette, 81(4), 346–371.

Al-Ghazzi, Omar. (2014). ‘Citizen journalism’ in the Syrian uprising: Problematizing Western narratives in a local context. Communication Theory, 24(4), 435–454.

Al Rawi, Ahmed. (2015). Sectarianism and the Arab Spring: Framing the popular protests in Bahrain. Global Media and Communication, 11(1), 25–42.

Al Rawi, Ahmed, & Fahmy, Shahira. (2018). Social media use in the diaspora: The case of Syrians in Italy. In Karim H. Karim & Ahmed Al-Rawi (Eds.), Diaspora and media in Europe: Migration, identity and integration (pp. 71–96). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

Bou Hamad, Imad, & Yehya, Nibal A. (2020). Partisan selective exposure in TV consumption patterns: A polarized developing country context. Communication Research, 47(1), 55–81.

Comunello, Francesca, & Anzera, Giuseppe. (2012). Will the revolution be tweeted? A conceptual framework for understanding the social media and the Arab Spring. Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations, 23(4), 453–470.

Cozma, Raluca, & Kozman, Claudia. (2015). The Syrian crisis in the news: How U.S. elite newspapers framed the international reaction to Syria’s use of chemical weapons. Journalism Practice, 9(5), 669–686.

Cozma, Raluca, & Kozman, Claudia. (2018). The Syrian crisis in U.S. and Lebanese newspapers: A cross-national analysis. International Communication Gazette, 80(2), 185–204.

El Amine, Jad, & Kozman, Claudia. (2023). Framing and sourcing the 2019 Lebanese protests on local television. International Journal of Communication, 17, 4997–5016.

El-Nawawy, Mohammed, & Khamis, Sahar. (2011). Political blogging and (re) envisioning the virtual public sphere: Muslim–Christian discourses in two Egyptian blogs. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 16(2), 234–253.

El-Nawawy, Mohammed, & Khamis, Sahar. (2014). Arab revolutions: Breaking fear | Blogging against violations of human rights in Egypt: An analysis of five political blogs. International Journal of Communication, 8, 21.

El-Nawawy, Mohammed, & Khamis, Sahar. (2016). Egyptian revolution 2.0: Political blogging, civic engagement, and citizen journalism. Springer.

Eltantawy, Nahed, & Wiest, Julie. (2011). Social media in the Egyptian revolution: Reconsidering resource mobilization theory. International Journal of Communication, 5, 1207–1224.

Geha, Carmen. (2019). Politics of a garbage crisis: Social networks, narratives, and frames of Lebanon’s 2015 protests and their aftermath. Social Movement Studies, 18(1), 78–92.

Hafez, Kai. (2000). Mass media, politics, and society in the Middle East. Hampton Press.

Hamdy, Naila, & Gomaa, Ehab H. (2012). Framing the Egyptian uprising in Arabic language newspapers and social media. Journal of Communication, 62(2), 195–211.

Khamis, Sahar. (2011). The transformative Egyptian media landscape: Changes, challenges and comparative perspectives. International Journal of Communication, 5, 19.

Khalil, Joe F. (2013). Youth-generated media: A case of blogging and Arab youth cultural politics. Television & New Media, 14(4), 338–350.

Kozman, Claudia. (2023). Digital media and alternative platforms: Empowerment tools for civic engagement. In Jad Karam & Rima Majed (Eds.), The Lebanon uprising of 2019: Voices from the revolution (pp. 120–129). I.B. Tauris.

Kozman, Claudia. (2023). Reporting the MENA as conflict: Political influences, routine practices, and journalists’ struggles in the field. In Elvira B. Rey, Saba Bebawi, & Bruce Mutsvairo (Eds.), Routledge companion to journalism in the Global South (pp. 262–270). Routledge.

Kozman, Claudia, & Melki, Jad. (2018). News media uses during war and conflict: The case of the Syrian civil war. Journalism Studies, 19(10), 1466–1488.

Kozman, Claudia, & Melki, Jad. (2022). Selection bias of news on social media: The role of selective sharing and avoidance during uprisings. International Journal of Communication, 16, 21.

Kozman, Claudia, Melki, Jad, & Tabbara, Rawan. (2021). Media and uncertainty during war: The role of media and communication in reducing uncertainty during the Syrian conflict. Media and Communication, 9(4), 297–308.

Lynch, Marc, Freelon, Deen, & Aday, Sean. (2014). Syria’s socially mediated civil war. Universitäts‐und Landesbibliothek Sachsen‐Anhalt.

Melki, Jad. (2014). The interplay of politics, economics and culture in news framing of Middle East wars. Media, War & Conflict, 7(2), 165–186.

Melki, Jad, & Jabado, Mohamad. (2016). Mediated public diplomacy of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria: The synergistic use of terrorism, social media and branding. Media and Communication, 4(2), 92–103.

Melki, Jad, & Kozman, Claudia. (2021). Media dependency, selective exposure, and trust during war: Media sources and information needs of displaced and non-displaced Syrians. Media, War & Conflict, 14(1), 93–113.

Melki, Jad, & Kozman, Claudia. (2021). Selective exposure during uprisings: Examining the public’s news consumption and sharing tendencies during the 2019 Lebanon Protests. International Journal of Press/Politics, 26(4), 907–928.

Melki, Jad, Kozman, Claudia, Mellado, Claudia, Elórtegui, Carlos, So, Clement Y., Movahedian, Mahdi, ... & Farhat, Sarah. (2022). Selective exposure during uprisings: A comparative study of news uses in Chile, Hong Kong, Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon. International Communication Gazette.

Najjar, Orayb A. (2008). The Middle East and North Africa. In Arnold de Beer & John C. Merrill (Eds.), Global journalism (pp. 253–291). Pearson.

Tufekci, Zeynep, & Wilson, Christopher. (2012). Social media and the decision to participate in political protest: Observations from Tahrir Square. Journal of Communication, 62(2), 363–379.

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