Sources & Additional Learning Material (Morocco)

Selected reading material
Teaching material
Media ressources

Bailla, Hamza, & Yachoulti, Mohammed. (2020). Citizen journalism in Morocco: The case of fact-checkers. The Journal of North African Studies, 1–32.

Benchenna, Abdelfettah, & Marchetti, Dominique. (2021). Writing between the ‘red lines’: Morocco’s digital media landscape. Media, Culture & Society, 43(4), 664–681.

Benchenna, Abdelfettah, Ksikes, Driss, & Marchetti, Dominique. (2017). The media in Morocco: A highly political economy, the case of the paper and on-line press since the early 1990s. The Journal of North African Studies, 22(3), 386–410.

Benchemsi, Ahmed. (2011). Morocco and press freedom: A complicated relationship. In Nieman Reports, Fall 2011, 46–48.

Ben Moussa, Mohammed. (2016). Evolution not revolution: A longitudinal study of the role of the internet in Morocco’s “Third Way.” Journal of Middle East Media, 12(Spring), 2–39.

Douai, Aziz. (2009). The ‘new’ independent press and the limits of media reform in Morocco. In Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture, 6(1), 7–26.

El-Issawi, Fatima. (2016). Moroccan national media: Between change and status quo. LSE Middle East Centre Report.

Errazzouki, Samia. (2017). Under watchful eyes: Internet surveillance and citizen media in Morocco, the case of Mamfakinch. The Journal of North African Studies, 22(3), 361–385.

Farmanfarmaian, Roxane. (2017). Medias in Morocco [Special Issue]. The Journal of North African Studies, 22(3), 335–.

Hidass, Ahmed. (2010). Radio and television in Morocco: New regulation and licensing for private channels. Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research, 3(1 & 2), 19–36.

Zaid, Bouziane. (2016). Internet and democracy in Morocco: A force for change and an instrument for repression. Global Media and Communication, 12(1), 49–66.

Zaid, Bouziane, & Ibahrine, Mohamed. (2021). Morocco: Competitive authoritarianism in media reforms. In Carola Richter & Claudia Kozman (Eds.), Arab Media Systems (pp. 303–321). Open Book Publishers.

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