Sources & Additional Learning Material (Libya)

Selected reading material
Teaching material
Media ressources

German Resources:

Mattes, Hans. (1986). The development of the Libyan press 1969–86 [in German]. Communications, 12(3), 41–60.

Richter, Carola. (2004). The media system in Libya: Actors and developments [in German]. Hamburg: Deutsches Orient-Institut.

Richter, Carola. (2015). Libyen: Von der Diktatur des Grünen Buchs zum postrevolutionären Chaos. In Carola Richter & Asiem El Difraoui (Eds.), Arabische Medien (pp. 239–249). Konstanz: UVK.

English Resources:

Al-Zilitni, Abdallah Mohamed. (1981). Mass media for literacy in Libya: A feasibility study (doctoral dissertation). Ohio State University.

Alqudsi. (2012). Creative use of social media in the revolutions of Tunisia, Egypt & Libya. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 6(6), 147–158.

Biswas. (2019). Libya. In The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society: J-N (pp. 951–954).

Democracy Reporting. (2019). Libya social media report.

Dowson-Zeidan, Nadia, Eaton, Tim, & Wespieser, Katharina. (2014). After the revolution: Libyan and Tunisian media through the people’s eyes. BBC Media Action Research Dissemination Series.

Elareshi, & Gunter, Brian. (2012). Patterns of news media consumption among young people in Libya. Journal of African Media Studies, 4(2), 173–191.

Fhelboom, Rob. (2014, November 25). Journalism under siege. Correspondents.

Issawi, Fatima. (2013). Libya media transition: Heading to the unknown. POLIS—Media and Communications, London School of Economics, “Arab Revolutions: Media Revolutions” Project.

Morris. (2014). Contextualizing the power of social media: Technology, communication and the Libya Crisis. First Monday.

Melilli, Andrea. (2021). My Home, in Libya. Pragda.

Nsir. (2014). The perceptions of social media in Libya. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.

Pollock, John. (2011). The voice of Libya: An inspiring story of citizen journalism. MIT Technology Review, September 5. Retrieved from

Richter, Carola. (2021). Libya: From Jamahirization to post-revolutionary chaos. In Carola Richter & Claudia Kozman (Eds.), Arab Media Systems (pp. 249–265). Open Book Publishers.

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