Egypt – Sources & Additional Learning Material

Selected reading material
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Media ressources

Abdulla, Rasha. (2017). How diverse are Egypt’s media: A look at the post-revolution presidential elections. Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies, 6(3), 507–525.

Badr, Hanan. (2019). Before the ‘Arab Spring’: How challengers pushed counter-issues in Egypt’s hybrid media system. Media, War & Conflict.

Badr, Hanan. (2020). Egypt’s media system: Historic legacies and blocked potentials for independent media. Publizistik, 65(1), 63–79.

Badr, Hanan. (2021). Egypt: A divided and restricted media landscape after the interrupted transformation. In Carola Richter & Claudia Kozman (Eds.), Arab Media Systems (pp. 215–232). Open Book Publishers.

Comunello, Francesca, & Anzera, Giuseppe. (2012). Will the revolution be tweeted? A conceptual framework for understanding the social media and the Arab Spring. Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations, 23(4), 453–470.

El Kasm, Saeb. (2020). State crime, civil society and the use of digital technology in counter-hegemonic struggles: A case study of Egypt’s Mosireen media collective (Publication No. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing).

El-Nawawy, Mohammed, & Khamis, Sahar. (2011). Political blogging and (re) envisioning the virtual public sphere: Muslim—Christian discourses in two Egyptian blogs. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 16(2), 234–253.

El-Nawawy, Mohammed, & Khamis, Sahar. (2014). Arab revolutions: Breaking fear | blogging against violations of human rights in Egypt: An analysis of five political blogs. International Journal of Communication, 8, 21.

El-Nawawy, Mohammed, & Khamis, Sahar. (2016). Egyptian revolution 2.0: Political blogging, civic engagement, and citizen journalism. Springer.

El-Shahed, Heba. (2020). Social media mobilization and political activism in Egypt. Global Media Journal, 18(34), 1–8.

El-Shamy, Alaa A. (2019). The democratic consequences of online media consumption in post-revolutionary Egypt. Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research, 12(1), 65–86.

Eltantaway, Nahed, & Wiest, Julie. (2011). Social media in the Egyptian revolution: Reconsidering resource mobilization theory. International Journal of Communication, 5, 1207–1224.

Fahmy, Ziad. (2010). Media-capitalism: Colloquial mass culture and nationalism in Egypt, 1908–18. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 42(1), 83–103.

Guaaybess, Tourya. (2013). Reforming Egypt’s broadcasting in the post-25 January era: The challenges of path dependence. In Tourya Guaaybess (Ed.), National Broadcasting and State Policy in Arab Countries (pp. 117–130). Palgrave Macmillan.

Hafez, Kai. (2015). Radically polarized publics and the demise of media freedom in Egypt. Égypte/Monde Arabe, Troisième Série, 12, 37–49.

Hamdy, Naila. (2009). Arab citizen journalism in action: Challenging mainstream media, authorities and media laws. Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture, 6(1), 92–112.

Hamdy, Naila, & Gomaa, Ehab Hamed. (2012). Framing the Egyptian uprising in Arabic language newspapers and social media. Journal of Communication, 62(2), 195–211.

Kaye-Essien, Charles Wharton, & Ismail, Mai. (2020). Leadership, gender and the Arab media: A perception study of female journalists in Egypt. Feminist Media Studies, 20(1), 119–134.

Khamis, Sahar. (2011). The transformative Egyptian media landscape: Changes, challenges and comparative perspectives. The International Journal of Communication, 5, 1159–1177.

Kozman, Claudia. (2023). Reporting the MENA as conflict: Political influences, routine practices, and journalists’ struggles in the field. In Elvira Bonavita Rey, Samy Bebawi, & Bruce Mutsvairo (Eds.), Routledge Companion to Journalism in the Global South (pp. 262–270). Routledge.

Lim, Merlyna. (2012). Clicks, cabs, and coffee houses: Social media and oppositional movements in Egypt, 2004–2011. Journal of Communication, 62, 231–248.

Open Technology Fund. (2019). Digital authoritarianism in Egypt: Digital expression arrests 2011–2019.

Rugh, William A. (2004). Arab mass media: Newspapers, radio, and television in Arab politics. Praeger.

Sakr, Naomi. (2013). Transformations in Egyptian journalism. I.B. Tauris.

Sakr, Naomi. (2016). Survival or sustainability? Contributions of innovatively managed news ventures to the future of Egyptian journalism. Journal of Media Business Studies, 13(1), 45–59.

Tufekci, Zeynep, & Wilson, Christopher. (2012). Social media and the decision to participate in political protest: Observations from Tahrir Square. Journal of Communication, 62(2), 363–379.

Valeriani, Augusto. (2014). Transformations in Egyptian journalism. Journal of Media Practice, 15(2), 150–151.


Words of Women from the Egyptian Revolution - Sanaa Seif (trailer)

How Facebook Changed the World -- the story of the Arab Spring


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