In order to discuss current developments distinguished media scholars and experts were invited from around the world to the international conference entitled “Egyptian Media & Journalism between Change and Continuity”, 12.11.-14.11.15 in Berlin. The conference tackled issues like self-regulation of journalists, professionalism, challenges of freedom of speech and media freedom, as well as the evolution of the media landscape and the political economy of Egypt’s media. In the two-day conference an intensive exchange among scholars from Egypt and Germany as well as from other Arab and Western countries helped us to gain a comprehensive picture of current developments in a comparative perspective. Besides academics, experts from think tanks and NGOs, as well as journalists were represented.
The conference was funded by the DAAD as part of the program line 4 within the transformation partnerships (“Tawasul”) and is the first part of the joint project “Journalism in Transformation in Egypt and beyond” between the Freie Universität Berlin and the Cairo University. Responsible for the project are Prof. Dr. Carola Richter (FU Berlin) und Dr. des. Hanan Badr (Cairo University).
The complete program flyer and the booklet of abstracts and biographies can be downloaded here.